Important event updates for the April 16, 2025 Forum

George W. Bush
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square
2:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Registration will close on Monday, March 3. Your tickets will be mailed in advance, during the weeks of March 24 – April 11.

For questions regarding this information, please email us at: or call us 717-361-1275



Event:The High Center Business Forum
Date:Wednesday, April 16, 2025
Location:Lancaster Marriott @ Penn Square
**Complimentary Parking:
(3 Garage Options, until capacity reached)
**Penn Square Garage, 38 S. Duke Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
**Prince Street Garage, 111 N. Prince Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
**3rd Garage TBD and updated once confirmed
Additional Paid Parking: Central Garage, 29 W. Vine Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 (does not participate with complimentary parking)
Arrival Times:2:00pm – Afternoon session begins at 2:30pm- Members Only Event
4:00pm – Reception, dinner & evening keynote program
Recommendations:After 5:00pm, bars will close at receptions, bars will remain open in Freedom Hall until 7:00pm. Guests may use their drink tickets in Freedom Hall, but then will be a cash bar without a drink ticket. ATM machine will be available in the Main Hotel Lobby, located in the Sundry Shop to the left of the front desk. Business Attire Encouraged.


2:00 – 2:30pm Networking – Afternoon session begins at 2:30pm, 3rd Floor, Heritage Ballroom
2:30 – 4:00pmWelcome, Mike Mitchell and Afternoon speaker, Rachel DeAlto, 3rd floor, Heritage Ballroom
4:00 – 5:00pmReception(s) & Networking, Commonwealth Ballroom, 2nd floor (2CWB) & Lobby (ticket assignments)
5:00 – 6:00pmAttendees proceed to Freedom Hall through Security Entrances, lower level, Convention Center for dinner seating, table assignments on badge
6:00 – 7:00pmKeynote Dinner, Freedom Hall
7:00 – 7:30pmProgram & Sponsor Recognitions, Freedom Hall
7:30 – 8:30pmQ&A with Guest Speaker: George W. Bush  
8:30pmEnd of Program  

Can I still register for this event?

Registration is available <a href="">HERE</a> and will close on Monday, March 3.

Making any changes to an existing registration will need to be emailed to Due to Secret Service security registrations may not be able to be changed.

Where can I find more information about the event?

On our website The High Center Business Forum event page 

How will I confirm my tickets?

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email. Please keep this email in a safe place. Make sure to check your spam or junk mail folder, if you do not see the email within a few minutes after completing the registration process. If you still don’t find a confirmation email, please reach out to us by email: ( and we will research your registration to make sure everything went through properly. We can re-send a confirmation email to you. 

How will I receive my ticket to the event?

You will receive your ticket via the U.S. mail during the weeks of March 24-April 11. Tickets will be mailed to the primary registrant address used during the registration process. If your tickets do not arrive in the mail by April 9, please contact us at 717-361-1275 or email for more instructions.

Do I need my ticket to attend the event?

Yes, you MUST have a FORUM lanyard badge to attend the event and pass through security, so please keep this in a safe place. Tickets will be mailed during the fourth week of March into the 2nd week of April to the address in your current registration. If you are part of a large sponsor group, please check with your group contact to receive your event packet. 

Where will I park for the event?

Parking lot map and information on complimentary parking will be included in your ticket mailer packet you receive by mail. If the complimentary lots are full when you arrive, you can search for on street parking, as well as use other Lancaster City parking garage options. 

Will there be security for the event?

Yes, all guests will need to go through metal detectors and have their FORUM lanyard on them at all times to enter Freedom Hall. Backpacks, Laptop bags, briefcases, coats and suitcases will not be permitted in Freedom Hall.

Is there a bag policy for the event?

Yes, small clutch bags, with or without a handle or strap, are permitted into the venue along with either a clear plastic, vinyl or PVC bag that does not exceed 12 inches by 12 inches by 6 inches. Another option is a gallon freezer bag as well as any medically necessary items. 

The following Items are not permitted in Freedom Hall:

*Weapons of any kind, including firearms, knives, toy guns, ammunition, explosives/ fireworks, and mace/ pepper spray/e-cigarettes

*Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems

*Banners, structures, and supports for signs, poles, sticks, selfie-sticks, or missile like objects of any kind

*Backpacks, laptop bags, briefcases, suitcases, and packages

*Metal, thermal, or containers of any type (aerosol cans, coolers of any size, glass containers)

*Any outside Food, beverages, and alcohol

*Any illegal substances

*Animals (except assistive animals)

*Laptop computers, iPads, tablets, camcorders, video or audio recorders or tripods

*Laser lights and pointers

*Motorized scooters, skates, cycles, skateboards, bicycles, strollers, and carts

*Noisemakers, horns, megaphones, and whistles

*Any other items determined to be a potential safety hazard

If I park in one of the complimentary parking garages, what should I do with my kiosk ticket?

Leave your kiosk ticket in your car. At the end of the event, 8:30pm, the garage will take your kiosk ticket as payment on your way out. This is ONLY for the complimentary garages, Prince Street, Penn Square and 3rd Garage TBD. Please refer to your packet information for these designated garages. Chaser tickets for the complimentary garages will be made available at the Information Table to anyone who leaves the event early or late. 

Will I need to check-in at the event?

No, you do not need to check in. Your ticket(s) will be mailed in advance with reception and table assignments on the ticket. You MUST have a ticket to attend. 

Will there be an information table at the event?

An information table will be available at the event for any “day of” questions. We will also have a QR code on your ticket to answer most of your FAQ’s (frequently asked questions). 

Is my ticket transferable to another person, if I am unable to attend?

No, tickets are not transferable. We encourage you to notify us by Monday March 17th at in order to discuss the registration. Due to the Secret Service security of this event registration may not be able to be changed.

What is the deadline for making registration changes?

Since tickets will be mailed in advance with table assignments on the ticket, the deadline to make registration changes is Monday, March 17

How do I get a drink ticket for the reception/networking time?

Complimentary drink tickets are “2-tickets per person” and will be included in the ticket mailer packet, along with other materials to the event. These tickets may be used at the receptions and in Freedom Hall. You can also purchase drinks at any bar during the event up until 7pm. 

Which reception do I attend this year? 

We have two locations for receptions this year and your ticket will have the reception designation listed on the front. Lobby – Hotel Main Lobby Area outside Freedom Hall, 1st floor, lower lobby or 2CWB – Commonwealth Ballroom, 2nd floor. Both receptions are from 4:00-5:00pm. Please attend the area designated on your ticket either Lobby or 2CWB.

What time does the keynote speaker portion of the program start?

7:30pm, right after the Program. Please refer to our Event Schedule on the High Center website for the entire program schedule. 

How do I find my table in Freedom Hall for dinner at 6pm?

Please refer to our Table Seating Chart on the High Center Forum Event page to locate your table in the room. There will also be a sign outside Freedom Hall to be referenced.

Will any speaker books be sold at the event?

Yes. Rachel DeAlto, “relatable” book will be sold this year during the reception from 4:00-5:00pm for $20. (cash or Venmo only) Location will be announced during the afternoon program. Rachel will be signing books and available for photos with attendees.

How will I use the event QR code?

By opening your smart phone camera, select photo and hold your smart phone up to QR code to scan. This will take you to the Event Landing page for FAQ’s and other important event details. 

What email should I use to ask a question that is not on this list of FAQ’s? 

Email your question(s) to:

I am an Etown College student attendee. How do I get more information about the bus transportation? 

Email your question(s) to:

I am an Etown College student attendee. How will I receive my ticket to the event? 

All of the student tickets and event packets will be delivered to the High Center at Elizabethtown College, Hoover Center for Business. Student pickup will be with Zach Spencer on the 2nd floor. Please contact Zach Spencer, email: for additional ticket questions. 

Will I be able to take personal photos or videos of President Bush?

No, due to enhanced security of this event, personal photography, recording or note-taking of the session is not permitted.